Driving Directions to The Heartland Lodge
(Even Better than Siri or Google Will Give You)
GPS systems donβt always take the best route or locate our venue correctly. Make sure you and your guests can easily navigate to our venue using only paved roads by using the simple directions below.
Take I-49 S / US 71 S
Take Exit 183 to merge onto I-470 E
Take Exit 7A for US 50 E
Take the MO 150W Exit, turn Right
Continue onto State Route E
Turn Left on MO 58 E
Turn Left on SW Highway AA
Turn Left on SW 50th Rd
Turn Right on 1971st Rd
Turn Left into our entrance
Take I-70 W / US 40 W
Take Exit 49 for MO 13 S and turn Left
Continue on MO 13 Business
Take a slight Right onto US 50 W
Turn Left onto MO 58 W
Turn Left on MO 58 W/E 2nd St
Turn Right on SW Highway AA
Turn Left on SW 50th Rd
Turn Right on 1971st Rd
Turn Left into our entrance
Take I-49 N/US 71 N
Take Exit 159 for MO 7 N
Turn Right onto MO 7 N
Turn Right on MO 58 E
Turn Left on SW Highway AA
Turn Left on SW 50th Rd
Turn Right on 1971st Rd
Turn Left into our entrance
Start on 435 E
Continue on I-470 E / US 50 E
Take Exit 7A for US 50E
Take the MO 150 W Exit and turn Right
Continue on State Route E
Turn Left on MO 58 Hwy
Turn Left on SW Highway AA
Turn Left on SW 50th Rd
Turn Right on 1971st Rd
Turn Left into our entrance